Friday, November 13, 2009

Thoughts of Last Evening and this Morning

Got home yesterday and JAG was on, I suddenly remembered why I had such a huge crush on Catherine Bell, makes me want to watch Army Wives regularly.

Here is to hoping all my students pass their exam today! I don't really feel like failing anyone.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quote of the Day

Pain is the payment for each precious thing.

-sheldon hawkes

If you want it, work hard for it

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last Night's Dinner @ Honey Pig

A Day of Learning

sometimes i am genuinely surprised at things i learn at work. I don't usually learn them because I'm looking for the information its more b/c people ask questions and I decide to seek out responses. A couple things i learned on saturday;

when setting up a Verizon email account on an iphone the outgoing port number has to be 587 and no the default of 25 (learned attempting to help a customer)

you can make a directory in apple address book by going into the print settings and selecting lists. then click the boxes next to the data you want you printed (learned attempting to help a customer, as told to by Suess)

while google contacts and address book can sync and communicate all fields are not able to be synched

coda may be the next great web development tool, its made by panic software, VMWare 3.0 due out in November is smoking fast (customer, vmware employee)

yes... yes i learned a lot, most of it very dorky

nite world


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Liberal Lion

It would be nice, but at this point almost unthinkable for me to get to go a week without going to and seeing that someone famous died. This morning it was Sen. Ted Kennedy, 1932 - 2009. Hopefully his efforts of bipartisanship are not lost on those he served with.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fried Green Tomatoes and everything after

So Im writing you from good old Hampton, VA sitting in my parents kitchen having eaten too much today and starting to feel a bit drowsy. The soundtrack is turning into a mix of Corrine Bailey Rae and Tom Petty (I know its a weird mix). Despite the hour and tiredness I am determined to finish my writing and attempt to get back on track with my new years resolutions.

4 day weekend this week and its started pretty good. I got home from work on Thursday and my new Esquire magazine had shown up and there was a great article with Mary-Louise Parker (MLP) about pie baking, mind you she was baking this pie in some lingerie for the pictorial so yes I'm a little biased.

I have had a crush on MLP since Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) I saw her again when she had a small part on the West Wing as Amy Gardner and then on her current show Weeds. I can't really tell you what it is about her, but I will watch her act in anything, she and Lauren Graham. I mean the list of women whose presence alone is enough to make me go watch a movie is way too long, listing them would make this blog way too long. But hey.... it is what is and I am who I am and I like beautiful women.

Tomorrow I have a picnic to go to and I'm hoping to gets some good pictures. I haven't shot much recently so I think I'm going to turn monday into a photo day head downtown or to the national harbor to take pictures of the awakening.

I took the lackadaisical route down to Hampton from Fairfax. Partly my own doing and also influence by the fact that the traffic on I-95 between Woodbridge and Fredricksburg was horrendous so after that delay I decided to drive slow. If you are ever driving through the Richmond/Ashland area stop at Ukrops its like a big country grocery store but they have an awesome grille and cafe, its a staple stop for me on slow treks down.

My driving entertainment was mainly the ESPN channel on XM radio, which sometimes feels like a waste. Its the same thing they broadcast of free AM radio with all the commercials. The only plus is that the station clarity stays the same all the way through the ride. XM has really been faking on the stations they have been replacing my channels with piped in radio channels I don't want to pay for stuff I can get for free. But the better part of the drive was my Jay Z mixtape of my favorite Jay-Z tracks;

1. American Dreamin: Track from the American Gangster soundtrack
2. Lucifer: Always loved the beat behind that one
3. Change Clothes: Nice party track
4. Regengade: Duet with Eminem who proceeds to blow Jay out of the water with his verses
5. Song Cry: Mad emotional
6. I Did it My Way: Jay-Z with an assist from the Frank Sinatra
7. N***a Please: Everytime I hear this song I think of strippers it's Gabby Union's fault from Craddle to the Grave
8. Meet the Parents: Jay-Z does it Slick Rick style and tells an awesome story
9. Lost One: Rumor has it the girl discussed is Rosario Dawson
10. 3o Something: Getting old is not so bad, 2 more years till 30
11. Can't Knock the Hustle: Classic Jay and Mary J
12. Do it Again: Another party track
13. Death of Auto Tune: Please, please, please...... will T-Pain, Lil Wayne, Akon, and Jamie Foxx listen to this track and get the message.
14. Jockin Jay-Z: Noel Gallagher should keep his mouth shut.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sports and Retail

I'm beat tonite long night at the fruit stand not enough workers too many customers. I've decided that retail brings out the worst in people; the desire to spend money they don't have to buy things they don't need and somehow they get it in their heads that b/c they are spending money at the store I work at that they are somehow better than me. They aren't maybe they think that because I work retail that I'm some guy making $10 bucks an hour selling stuff that this is my life; it's not, I work there because I enjoy it not b/c I need the money. Everybody wants something and nobody has any patience, and it makes me want to throw something sometimes, at inanimate objects or at the people in front of me, but I resist the urge.

I've been debating my red sox jersey, going back and forth between my favorite players and those players with longevity. Initially I thought about David Ortiz but at the beginning of the year he stunk up the joint with his terrible hitting. I went to John Pappelbon a beast of a closer, and he does the riverdance on the baseball field, but he may leave via free agency. I'm not a big Pedroia or Ellsbury fan and Bay hasn't been there long enough. I would really like a Wakefield jersey but they don't make one so I'm settling on the man behind the plate Jason Varitek a lifer whom I hope retires a Red Sox.

Steve McNair's story should be laid to rest, he's dead b/c his mistress killed him. He left a wife 4 boys and family and friends. He is the perfect example of a flawed story, a warrior on the field, a giver in the community, but lacking at home. None of us know the exact situation at home, maybe his wife knew maybe she didn't. He wasn't perfect but lets not let his flaws overshadow all the good about him.


Monday, July 6, 2009


I have been absent; so here is a small comeback. I should be sleep but I'm up watching FF Rise of the Silver Surfer, that Jessica Alba and Beau Garrett. So  I got a lot done today; built a bookcase moved some books and cleaned up my room, did some laundry, watched a couple of movies, fired up the grill and made food for the week and ended the evening at the gym getting some exercise. But here are a couple things from this week that are still stroking my thinking;

  • They need to let MJ rest in peace, I cant take it anymore between crazy fans and his crazy family add to that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton showing up please get him in the ground so world can turn on its axis again
  • Sarah Palin the former Governor of Alaska is always full of surprises. I don't know what she is doing but then again I never have.
  • The GOP maybe the Christian  right should move away or vice versa. Why is that every time there is a sex  scandal or an affair on congressman running around with kids its someone from the GOP. The party of morality seems to be missing theirs. Here is to hoping that they turn down their rhetoric until they stop being hypocrites.
  • Transformers: Rise of the Fallen rocked, don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. It was so good I bough a big Optimus Prime toy. click here
  • Steve McNair is gone too soon; people talk about Brett Favre being tough but no one calls him a warrior, that was McNair, look through the tributes and recollections from his coaches and teammates its a word that keeps coming up time and time again. He was a guy from Division I-AA who became an NFL MVP and was within one inch of a Superbowl win. He was a great QB.

Well that was a bit longer than I planned, oh well hopefully I will stay on track with the posts.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

BDay Weekend

1 Michael Jordan jersey card price to be determined pulled from a $20
box of cards

217 pics at Willy's BDay party

30 days later I had my first piece of meat, a piece of chicken from
Kim's BBQ

Events of my actual birthday still to be determined. They should
include but are not limited to; finding a great steak and seeing the
new Terminator movie

Want to hear a great song check out

"Lay it Down Slow" by Spiritual or "Soldier's Lament" by Sonya Kitchell

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Writing from Before

Brad said its been a long time since i blogged and it has, so here are a few lines from before b/c I dont feel like writing something new. I wrote this for a class in college but its one of those things I come back to when I'm looking for an example of something I wrote that I liked. Not b/c I liked the topic but the flow and the connection at the end. I hope you like this one Brad and I hope everyone else does too. Tell me what you think.


Written 11/10/03

Untamed fury caused his hand to graze her face.

It was a scene replayed from his childhood.

She stood where his mother once did,

He where his father still does.

He swore he would never be his father,

That she would never be his mother.

The sins of his father show in his personality.

The effects are apparent in her beauty.

He remembers the sounds;

Screaming, Crying, and the muffled sound of bone against flesh.

He stops and realizes that this is not a flashback, it's the present.

All he wanted was a drink

All she wanted was to love him.

Alcoholism is a disease, it gets in the genes.

Love a universal cure, it gets to the heart.

Love stood between him and double malted bourbon.

Her face between his hand and his father's.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Sweet Tooth: Brownies and Cookies

Vegetarian Day 2: I think whole foods is gonna get alot of my money. I have to learn to cook my own veggie meals. I filled up on brownies and cookies today (thanks nessa), I'm prolly going to gain 10 lbs over the weekend from the sweets. But I feel lighter I think meat really weighs you down.

Pandora: This is what I will say its customizable radio station that plays what you like. Check it out here.

Office Chair: Last night while writing this blog my chair broke. It had given good service 5/6 years it was time. Well I decided to go get a new one today, I found a nice ultrasuede chair at Office Depot that was real comfortable., it might be my new lounge chair. Hopefull it doesn't do with this chair did to its owner

Katt Williams: Is my funny man, if you have never watched the Pimp Chronicles you need to. If that's too much cursing for you watch First Sunday he is a bit more subdued. Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan robbing a church. If you grew up in a black church it will be hilarious to you. My sister convinced me to watch it easter morning, I couldn't stop laughing. Haven't laughed that hard since watching Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins for the first time.

Throwback Movie: If you like film noir check out Devil in a Blue Dress. The movie stars Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, and Jennifer Beals. It's based on a Walter Mosley novel of the same name with Washington playing the protagonist Easy Rawlins and Cheadle his crazy friend Mouse. It's also one of the last times the world saw Lisa Nicole Carson of a Ally McBeal fame, apparently she has schizophrenia.

Here is to hoping this cold subsides in the AM I need a rest from sickness.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Meat Free

Vegetarian: Today was my first of 30 days meat free, well occasionally I might have some fish. It felt good and I felt much lighter at the end of the day. I hope I can hold out, this should be good for me. My last meat meal, POPEYES if your gonna go, go out with a bangin bucket of chicken. Tonite's meal consisted of string beans, rice, and roasted corn all courtesy of Whole Foods.

Mac vs PC: I am somewhat amused my the Microsoft answer to the Mac vs PC ads. They have fixiated on whats called the "Apple Tax" basically meaning that you pay more for a mac. So they send these people out to see if they can find a computer that they want for a certain amount. They usually end up with some PC that will supposedly meet all their needs. I think people have become conditioned that their computers only need to do certain things, and they put limits on their expecations allowing them to paint themselves into a small box. I also dont think people consider the life cycle of a computer and the costs that come with it. Plus the built in software that come standard that just works out of the box and the plethora of resources that apple makes available to help you learn to get the most out of your computer and a lot of those resources are free. Yes I'm a fanboy, but their are reasons why.

Netflix and Hulu: The ability to instantly watch media on you computer or tv depending on the service is amazing. it almost makes me want to get rid of cable. I can stream media to my computer watch it on the 24 inch or in the case of Netflix watch instantly I can use my Xbox 360 to stream to my tv.

John Madden: The best play by play man of my generation called it quits today, football season won't be the same without him. He bought us Madden the best sports game of all time, not since jordan vs bird has a game captivated a gamer audience. He was everyman in the booth, no highbrow commentary but he called the game in language and terminology that all could understand. Here is hoping that they can find an acceptable

Mail Merge: Is making my life easier, I'm using it to auto complete forms for work, so that I can type less, its saving me hours upon hours.

nite world


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sick Day

Being Sick: So I took a sick day today, I started coming down with something on my way to Hampton for Easter on Saturday. Thought it was gonna be cool but I woke up this morning feeling worse and didn't want to infect people at work so I stayed home and slept. I slept so much that now I'm actually worried about being able to sleep tonight. Im hoping that all the turkey from Chutzpah Moiche I ate tonight.

Easter: Easter @ home was good. Went to church with the family Pops preached a good sermon about encouragement (Luke 24 13-35), and that sometimes we have to encourage ourselves when no one else is around to do it for us. And I took photos, sister ended up being my main model which is funny because she hates having her picture taken. I did notice that my G10 likes the outdoors way more than indoors, and that I also really love natural lighting with this camera and not flash, no flash lets you get more candid photos.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles: It was a good show that got better down the stretch, but in the end was too expensive without enough viewership I guess I will have to scratch my Terminator itch with the movie this Summer. On a side note can I tell you how much more respect I have for Brian Austin Green as an actor now. Well its gone but Fox better do right by Fringe and Lie to Me, it all I have left with them.

Video Games: So the other day I was at work and made the remark to my coworker Paul that if they released a game to go along with the movie that I would be all over it. Well my Gamespot magazine came out today and their was a preview for it and I'm psyched for it. There was also a preview for a new Punch Out game for the Wii, that brings back a lot of memories. I need to play my Wii more. More golf, and some Super Smash Bros, I definitely will when I have no tv shows to watch this Summer when everything is on hiatus. The cool thing is that you will be able to play old school with just the regular pad, should be tight.

nite world


ps. it strikes me as odd that in 2009 we are still dealing with pirates, and using the term, i mean really, why don't we just call them terrorists and get it over with. its

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's about to be Friday!!!!!!!!

Jewish Deli: Well its not really a Jewish deli but its that style. It's called Chutzpah and the sandwiches are amazing.  I like the moiche, its spicy turkey with cole slaw and swiss cheese. They call it the Ruben's brother and I love Ruben's but this sandwich is in a class all its own. All their sandwiches are huge, they stack meat on top of meat until the sandwich barely fits into your mouth and it comes with steak fries and they have these pickles that aren't fully pickles yet they are more cucumber with a vinegarish taste (yes I know that vinegarish is not a word) but its great food its not cheap but its good. You can eat it for brunch and not be hungry the rest of the day.

House and Obama: So if you watch House the big twist for the week is that Kutner played by Kal Penn killed himself rather abruptly because of depression that was never seen on screen. It was a shocking turn of events but what is even more interesting is why they killed him off.... thats right Kumar is going to the White House. He is the new Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. Apparently Penn worked on the campaign and liked it so much he decided to take a pay cut and go work in the White House. I think it says something about him that he is leaving a high paying job in Hollywood and the perks that go with it to go do some public service (you read that Kimmy.... lol), although he is going to work with political rockstars.

Organization: My life is entirely too hectic, between two jobs and some semblance of a social life, I need to keep things organized. At work im in charge of teaching a class from planning to testing and materials and I have to keep it all straight. As much as I love my iPhone it cant do it all by itself  so I'm testing out organizational software. On the books right now is iBank the mac answer to Quicken, because Quicken for mac is terrible and Hit List which is task organizer and iCal I'm hoping these keep me on the straight and narrow, but the truth is that in order for these programs to work for me besides them being good i have to continuously use them.

Time for the showers, nite world


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Musings as Usual

Sports Night: Along time ago before Aaron Sorkin wrote the West Wing he wrote a show called Sports Night that was one of the most underrated shows of its time. Nobody watched and it was sent to cancelled television show heaven. Joshua Malina (West Wing, Big Shots), Felicity Huffman (Desperate Housewives), Peter Krause (Dirty Sexy Money, Six Feet Deep), Josh Charles (S.W.A.T.) and Robert Guillaume (Benson). It was a great show about a Sports Center type show. If you ever watched Studio 60 Live on the Sunset Strip that is what Sorkin was trying to recreate. Its on Netflix check it out, you will love it.

NY Yankees: Glad to see the Yankees tank it on opening day. For all the money the spent on free agents it was all for zero, zilch on the investment at least for a day. Tonite at 7pm they have the Orioles away Wang on the mound. I hate the Yankees and the big red B on the top of my new Red Sox hat proves it.

NCAA Tourney: The men's and women's tourney had two things in common the team that was supposed to win won and the loser looked as if they might as well ahve not shown up for the game. UConn and UNC handed it to Louisville and Michigan State... and they made it look easy, sorry Haze and Aaron.

Dukes of Hazzard: As I was falling asleep last night I saw Dukes of Hazzard on and was taken in by Jessica Simpson. I know I know, but really after watching that movie is their any wonder why Romo can't play well when she is in the building.

nite world

Tommorow: Jewish Deli, House and Obama and what they have in common, plus me learning to get organized and the ways in which I plan to do it.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why do I blog so late at nite?

If you have an answer to the above rhetorical question let me know. I really need to figure that out. This was going to be a long blog nite but its late and I want to go to bed. So I will be brief but blog again tomorrow.

Top Case: For once I have used an extended warranty. I took my laptop into Apple on Sunday b/c my click button was acting wonky, they had to replace my top case. The price of the repair covered the price of my warranty. It does pay to have Apple Care.

Old Men: So Saturday I was out at the pool hall with Vanessa and we met these crazy old men. Who proceeded to grill me about what sports teams I followed and wouldn't stop until I settled on a team I liked even in sports where I don't follow a particular team. The only team that I could be concrete about are the Philly Eagles, the only sports team I live and die with. The were nice guys though, they bought Vanessa a shot of Jack. You can meet some interesting people in bars.

Learning w/ iLife 09: I have decided to teach myself something new. I'm a mac enthusiast, in case your couldnt tell by the blog title, but there is certain software that Im just not that familar with. Namely iMovie and Garageband. So Im being proactive. Check out my first effort at this is the new video professing the always forthcoming website..... lol. It will be functioning by my birthday I promise. Speaking of that, there is a chance that the blog may move to instead of being located at blogspot, but I haven't quite settled on that one yet.

Val is on gChat: So my sister has finally joined me in the wonderful world of chat. She bought herself a new computer, that was unfortunately not a mac. But she has found her way to using gChat so that we communicate through the internet. Next task is getting the webcam working, followed by convincing her to get on facebook or at least twitter. We will see.

Tomorrow's news, the Yankees tank opening day, Michigan State forgets to show up, a forgotten show called Sports Night and why Jessica Simpson is the only reason to watch The Dukes of Hazzard movie.

nite world


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

weekends dont quite feel like weekends anymore. i think it has alot to do with me working two jobs. the part time is taking 3 days in a row so im trying to make it to Sunday a day of absolute relaxation.

a couple of weeks ago i found out that netflix has renegade on dvd. its a cheesy show but i love it. its the fugitive on a bike with long hair. lorenzo lamas is harrison ford is david janssen, if you don't know who david janssen is and how he relates to the fugitive check out imdb.

i used to read all the time but i havent read a book in a while. i started reading something by chuck klosterman but never finished. a few weeks ago in anticipation of the movie i picked up the watchemen, everyone that i know thats read it loves it, and i cant put it down. its a comic book that is more like a novel with pictures.... lol

im amped that kings dominion opens starting this weekend. i believe that what i need in my life is a roller coaster, that pulls me in mulitple directions at high speeds and then randomly stops. its really cathartic.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DMC4: yesterday i got the feeling of accomplishment. i had put down devil may cry 4 because i couldn't get past a particular level. so yesterday i set out to beat that level so that the game was no longer useless to me. i feel so good now, only 17 more levels to beat

Going Green: if you know me well you know that i am a collector of music. for the longest time i have been stedfast in my desires to continue to buy CD's i like the feel of them the concrete space that they take up. i liken them to the record collection my dad kept that at some point i can share with my kids. but in effort to become more green i am making a change and hoping that hard drives will back me up, from now on if the mp3 album is the same price or cheaper than the hard copy CD then im going with the mp3 album. i hope this works out.

Eating my veggies: every day for the next two weeks at least on of meals will consist of a salad with green leafy veggies (potato salad doesn't count). just trying to get healthy.

24inch Imac: last week i received my new imac in the mail. at 24 inches its huge and has made me appreciate my desktop again, i've begun watching movies on it and become addicted to it so nice i moved my room around to accommodate it. if you have never used it you should check it out. it may make you get rid of you cable subscription.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obnoxious Color

So tonight I got some free swag courtesy of one of my vendors, I love
it b/c the color is so obnoxious. This will be the new bag of the


Thursday, March 12, 2009

a thought

days start and days end.
they come and then they go.
they have ups, sometimes downs.
and the good doesn't always outweigh the bad.
but somewhere in those days,
we find moments of peace.
then, we begin again....


nite world

Friday, March 6, 2009

Oatmeal and Spaghetti

So my day started and ended pretty good, well technically it hasn't ended yet since its 1am in the morning and Im writing my blog, I guess it is what it is.

Oatmeal and Spaghetti, the first and last things I ate today.

Terrell Owens gets cut from the Cowboys. I know I should take pleasure in others misfortunes but I find it hard to muster any sympathy for Owens who seems to cause havoc wherever he goes. My friend Sara and I had a discussion about Owens today, she is a Cowboys fan and believes that Owens is the victim. I'm not sure I agree with that, but I'm biased I'm an Eagles fan. However I think that sometimes Owens may say what is true but says in a manner that is offensive to those around him. Maybe he should learn to keep his mouth shut.

Speaking of keeping things to themselves, Chris Brown should learn to keep his hands to himself. The description of the incident given but the LAPD Detective was disturbing. This wasn't Chris Brown hitting the woman once this was a "What's Love Got to do With It" assault. To top it all off apparently Rihanna went back to Brown perpetuating the cycle. He will probably get off light, and unfortunately this incident will probably happen again.

Michael Steele on the job a month and some republicans already want his head. He needs to stop going on DL Hughley talking about bling and making the RNC off the hook. Know your audience Steele know your audience.

Let the curse of the Yankees begin. ARod needs surgery, out 10 weeks. Its what happens when you body goes into withdrawal from the 'roids. Lets see what other bad karma is in store for the Bronx Bombers.

Everyone should check out twitter, google it if you don't know what is. If your already using twitter check out twitter deck as a desktop client. It runs off of the Adobe Air platform its nice.

Well thats all for me tonite, nite world.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Photo of The Day: Right one this Time

So at about 1215 I was trying to decide between two pics for "Picture of the Day. Luckily my friend Aneen was still up b/c I couldn't make a decision so here goes....

Taken: Behind the CACI building, Chantilly VA
Camera: Canon G10
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter Speed: 320
IS0: 80

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pic of the Day

This is what happens when you have a camera in the morning and nothing
better to do.



michael steele lacks the courage of his convictions, i was pleased with him for a hot second. he had the brave idea of taking on rush limbaugh and his negative view of politics, and then reality set it and the backtracking began. he earned and lost respect from me in 24 hours, i think thats a record for me. read all about it...

when the phenomenon that is 24 first started i wasn't a big fan of it and now i dont think i could do without it. aaron staley a former coworker of mine turned me on to it near the beginning of season 5 and i've never looked back. for the uninitiated 24 is a show about the worst day in the life of a federal agent. jack bauer is the guy they govt calls when there is no one else and he gets the job done. the show is done in real time, each 6o minute episode an hour in bauer's day. after watching the 5th season i went back and watched the first 4 and was real excited for season 6.... big let down. however season 7 is starting strong, with a plot against the president which when left off on monday found the president held hostage in white house by some ambitious african terrorists. on a side note i find it some what disconcerting that terrorists found their way into the white house, neutralized the secret service and got the president out of her safe room. but if you have never watched 24 check it out, mondays @ 9p.

im not really sure how i feel about the roots on jimmy fallon or how i feel about jimmy fallon. but here is how the roots feel about their new late nite gig here. im gonna give it a few weeks and fast forward through all of the parts with fallon.

nite world.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


i know the national treasure movies are cheesy but im always so entertained by them

tonite is 2hrs of jack bauer, im soooo loving the fact that 24 is back on tv.

jimmy fallon starts his show tonite that in and of itself isnt important however the fact that the roots are the house band makes me want to watch

ipods and iphones aren't allowed in the gates household

sooo much snow today, but i still had to make it into the office, it was a beast

i spent the later part of the day learning to do a trick in photoshop. thanks to my lucas for giving me the answer.

apparently meghan mccain can't get a date b/c her father lost the election check it out

Today's Events

so this weekend has been about two things really, sleep and jelly beans..... yes jelly beans.

ive been a nerd this weekend, more so than normal backing up files cleaning up non-essential files off of my laptop. i have divested myself off of microsoft office and am going to try to go with iwork 09 only. im hoping that the lack off office on my computer might deter me from doing work on my laptop that is the type of work that i would normally get paid for.

im still devasted about brian dawkins signing with the denver broncos, he was my favorite eagle. wish he could have stayed but i understand why philly wouldn't pay him what he wanted.

this morning around 7am i had a meeting at apple. cox cable has a display outside the store to demo their television service. @ somepoint desperado came on, i didn't really think anything of it until about 1hr in when everyones favorite scene with selma hayek and antonio banderas came on and there was no editing. yeah softcore was in effect at fairoaks mall, at least there were no children around.

cheesecake has awesome beef ribs, im throughly impressed. although i think all restaurants should carry coke zero, diet coke is really not the same

im kind of feeling the new netbooks its a niche product but i like it.

in 24 - 48 hrs should be back up and running check it out if you get a chance

nite world

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random Thoughts

well 5 out of 6 isn't bad, for a minute i thought they were all gonna pass. but at least the percentage was better than the last time. perfection may be possible the next time.

i gave up alcohol for lent, no drinking until Easter.

today i learned that slash from guns and roses is half black. he was on the blacklist an hbo documentary about the life of high profile blacks in america. when i saw him i was trying to figure out what he was doing on the show a little wikipedia and i figured it all out. good documentary too. check it out here and here

the blacklist is a collaboration between timothy greenfield-sanders and Elvis Mitchell putting together mitchell's cinematography and greenfield-sanders' portraiture photography. check out greenfield's photography here

the girls at the hooters in chantilly where all black on fridays, its a nice change from the orange and white they wear the rest of the week

im super amped about jimmy fallon's first day on late night and its not because i like fallon. its because my favorite band the roots will be the house band. some think they are selling out, im just happy to get so hear them on the regular.

last thing of the night, how in the world did albert haynesworth get the 'skins to pay him 115 million dollars? i hope he can block for jason cambell b/c what the skins need are some o-linemen.

nite world

Friday, February 27, 2009


@ about 0830 this morning the newest test of my ability convey information starts. thats right people its test day. last monday I started with 6 students and they all made it through the first week exam. tommrow is the final and I'm crossing my fingers that they all make it. here is my day tommrow

0645a wake up
0830a proctor a test
1030a all students graduate
1130a hooters for lunch, i need relaxation
0100p get ready for the next class starts 3/9
0600p working @ apple till 1030p

good nite world

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something New

So I'm working on something new by using something old. Its time to relaunch and to do it I'm using iWork 08. This is going to be my first real step into keeping my new years resolution of writing more and sharing more and Im gonna use my website to do it. Look out for the photos. I will send a message when the site is up, I look forward to your feedback.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Difference in Time

It occurs to me that nothing looks the same today as it did on days before. Every so often I go back through my collection of photographs and look for things that look different to me now than they did then. One year, 6 months, a couple of years is sometimes just what I need to see the creativity or beauty in something. I think I'm learning to take that approach to other things. Time can make things more attractive and it can also take the luster off.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Picture of the day

So this morning before going to bed i looked at the bathroom door and was struck to take this picture. It was dark so I needed a tripod to get the effect. It turned out alright. Here are the stats;

Exposure: 2 Seconds
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fruits of Labor 2

So accomplishment didn't come for everyone I hoped for but it came for some. For those that it didn't I find myself working on ways to help the next people that sit in their seats find what they missed.

Next up: blame and the bigger picture; how people miss it

Two Photos: Wide and Tight

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fruits of Labor

Somebody give Chelsey Sullenburger a medal. Anyone who can land a plane on the Hudson River without anyone dying deserves something more than a thank you.

At my day job I'm a teacher, I teach adults and most of them are old enough to be my parents. To teach them I have to find away to make them respect me, and not see me as someone that reminds them of their children in a way that causes them not to listen to me. That in and of itself poses its own unique set of challenges. Consider personalities, learning speeds, ranges of ages, backgrounds and the fact that for whatever reason adults can forget their maturity in a classroom environment (think high school with more ego) and you have a pot of something that either comes out good or bad or sometimes very indifferent. This week one of my students mentioned that they thought I would do well teaching in a classic classroom environment and I told him that at one point that was a thought of mine. So I wonder how different it would be to deal with the personalities and learning speeds of someone younger than myself and in the middle of their rebellious period. Im not sure that I could or would want to handle that.

I do enjoy the fruits of teaching; at the end of the day I like to see the lightbulb come on for someone. Seeing that they've wrestled with the material and found themselves at a point where they realize that they don't understand something and then work to get to a place where they do understand; they feel accomplishment. When my students accomplish something so do I and I have the pleasure of working in a job where I get to feel accomplishment regularly and get to hear thank you from the students that appreciate what they've learned and experienced. I get to see the results of my labor. Everyone doesn't get to work in position where they get feel, see or experience that so I'm grateful that I do.

I also have great appreciation for the teachers that taught me something and the teachers that are continuing to teach others. It's easy to take that for granted until you have to stand up and try to teach somebody something.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sleep etc...

The amazing thing is that I went to bed at a decent hour, and still woke up really tired. Maybe there is something to this whole rim sleep. I think I'm going to have to subsist on red bull and sugar to get me through the day. Please let it give me wings. 

I have already slacked one day on my new years resolution. I wrote nothing yesterday. So I will attempt to make up for it this evening if I can stay awake. We will see. Maybe some prose on my love of sleep. Honestly if I had known when I was a child that sleep would be this difficult to come by as an adult I would have taken more naps, and never complained about them.

As a baseball fan I'm excited and disappointed when it comes to the HOF class of 09. I was really hoping Andre Dawson would finally get in. I remember collecting his baseball cards as a kid, he was a good player. I am happy about Rickey Henderson, he was definitely a first ballot lock, great hitter and base stealer, an archetypal lead off hitter . I am really excited to hear his speech and I hope he gives the whole thing in the 3rd person, although maybe he will pull a Michael Irvin and be humble.

Tony Dungy retired. Great coach who showed that you didn't have to be Bill Parcells to win. He was always respectful of his players and never yelled or cursed at anyone. He believed in something and held to it and he was greatly respected in his profession because of it. I was happy when he won a Superbowl in 2007 b/c he should have won one in Tampa Jon Gruden walked into a perfect situation and won. Indy brought him one a few years later. I'm not sure he is a Hall of Fame coach based on wins and losses but he has bought the NFL alot more than that. The "Tampa Two" defense is used all over the NFL as a way to stop the long pass, it was developed by Dungy. Also he has a great coaching tree, Lovie Smith, Herman Edwards, Mike Tomlin, Jim Caldwell, Rod Marinelli are current or former head coaches who worked as coaches for Dungy. Also Leslie Frazier is the Defensive Coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings who will eventually be a Head Coach in the NFL. Parents are usually judged on how their children turn out, I think Dungy will be judged on the success of the coaches he leaves in the league.

Im tired of anonymous commenters. Go to any website and the all have spaces for someone to leave an opinion. I'm all for free speech but I think people should be required to leave a real name and an email address. You hear some of the dumbest, most racist things on these message boards and I think people should be held accountable. If you say something too dumb I think people should be able to hold you accountable for it. People should grow up and sign their names to their thoughts and opinions.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

What I Learned Today

1. That my Eagles rock

2. That the winner of the Superbowl will not be the best team in the league but will be the champion.

3. That a great defense beats good offense

4. I love twitter (thanks Chuck)

5. To make my life easier by linking files in Word

6. To set expectations to make myself productive.
  1. Write one paragraph of substance (4 lines) every day.
  2. To blog once a day (not including the above).
  3. By the end of 2009 finish the short story I started in 2004... lol I know.