Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sleep etc...

The amazing thing is that I went to bed at a decent hour, and still woke up really tired. Maybe there is something to this whole rim sleep. I think I'm going to have to subsist on red bull and sugar to get me through the day. Please let it give me wings. 

I have already slacked one day on my new years resolution. I wrote nothing yesterday. So I will attempt to make up for it this evening if I can stay awake. We will see. Maybe some prose on my love of sleep. Honestly if I had known when I was a child that sleep would be this difficult to come by as an adult I would have taken more naps, and never complained about them.

As a baseball fan I'm excited and disappointed when it comes to the HOF class of 09. I was really hoping Andre Dawson would finally get in. I remember collecting his baseball cards as a kid, he was a good player. I am happy about Rickey Henderson, he was definitely a first ballot lock, great hitter and base stealer, an archetypal lead off hitter . I am really excited to hear his speech and I hope he gives the whole thing in the 3rd person, although maybe he will pull a Michael Irvin and be humble.

Tony Dungy retired. Great coach who showed that you didn't have to be Bill Parcells to win. He was always respectful of his players and never yelled or cursed at anyone. He believed in something and held to it and he was greatly respected in his profession because of it. I was happy when he won a Superbowl in 2007 b/c he should have won one in Tampa Jon Gruden walked into a perfect situation and won. Indy brought him one a few years later. I'm not sure he is a Hall of Fame coach based on wins and losses but he has bought the NFL alot more than that. The "Tampa Two" defense is used all over the NFL as a way to stop the long pass, it was developed by Dungy. Also he has a great coaching tree, Lovie Smith, Herman Edwards, Mike Tomlin, Jim Caldwell, Rod Marinelli are current or former head coaches who worked as coaches for Dungy. Also Leslie Frazier is the Defensive Coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings who will eventually be a Head Coach in the NFL. Parents are usually judged on how their children turn out, I think Dungy will be judged on the success of the coaches he leaves in the league.

Im tired of anonymous commenters. Go to any website and the all have spaces for someone to leave an opinion. I'm all for free speech but I think people should be required to leave a real name and an email address. You hear some of the dumbest, most racist things on these message boards and I think people should be held accountable. If you say something too dumb I think people should be able to hold you accountable for it. People should grow up and sign their names to their thoughts and opinions.


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