Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random Thoughts

well 5 out of 6 isn't bad, for a minute i thought they were all gonna pass. but at least the percentage was better than the last time. perfection may be possible the next time.

i gave up alcohol for lent, no drinking until Easter.

today i learned that slash from guns and roses is half black. he was on the blacklist an hbo documentary about the life of high profile blacks in america. when i saw him i was trying to figure out what he was doing on the show a little wikipedia and i figured it all out. good documentary too. check it out here and here

the blacklist is a collaboration between timothy greenfield-sanders and Elvis Mitchell putting together mitchell's cinematography and greenfield-sanders' portraiture photography. check out greenfield's photography here

the girls at the hooters in chantilly where all black on fridays, its a nice change from the orange and white they wear the rest of the week

im super amped about jimmy fallon's first day on late night and its not because i like fallon. its because my favorite band the roots will be the house band. some think they are selling out, im just happy to get so hear them on the regular.

last thing of the night, how in the world did albert haynesworth get the 'skins to pay him 115 million dollars? i hope he can block for jason cambell b/c what the skins need are some o-linemen.

nite world

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