Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's about to be Friday!!!!!!!!

Jewish Deli: Well its not really a Jewish deli but its that style. It's called Chutzpah and the sandwiches are amazing.  I like the moiche, its spicy turkey with cole slaw and swiss cheese. They call it the Ruben's brother and I love Ruben's but this sandwich is in a class all its own. All their sandwiches are huge, they stack meat on top of meat until the sandwich barely fits into your mouth and it comes with steak fries and they have these pickles that aren't fully pickles yet they are more cucumber with a vinegarish taste (yes I know that vinegarish is not a word) but its great food its not cheap but its good. You can eat it for brunch and not be hungry the rest of the day.

House and Obama: So if you watch House the big twist for the week is that Kutner played by Kal Penn killed himself rather abruptly because of depression that was never seen on screen. It was a shocking turn of events but what is even more interesting is why they killed him off.... thats right Kumar is going to the White House. He is the new Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. Apparently Penn worked on the campaign and liked it so much he decided to take a pay cut and go work in the White House. I think it says something about him that he is leaving a high paying job in Hollywood and the perks that go with it to go do some public service (you read that Kimmy.... lol), although he is going to work with political rockstars.

Organization: My life is entirely too hectic, between two jobs and some semblance of a social life, I need to keep things organized. At work im in charge of teaching a class from planning to testing and materials and I have to keep it all straight. As much as I love my iPhone it cant do it all by itself  so I'm testing out organizational software. On the books right now is iBank the mac answer to Quicken, because Quicken for mac is terrible and Hit List which is task organizer and iCal I'm hoping these keep me on the straight and narrow, but the truth is that in order for these programs to work for me besides them being good i have to continuously use them.

Time for the showers, nite world


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