Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sick Day

Being Sick: So I took a sick day today, I started coming down with something on my way to Hampton for Easter on Saturday. Thought it was gonna be cool but I woke up this morning feeling worse and didn't want to infect people at work so I stayed home and slept. I slept so much that now I'm actually worried about being able to sleep tonight. Im hoping that all the turkey from Chutzpah Moiche I ate tonight.

Easter: Easter @ home was good. Went to church with the family Pops preached a good sermon about encouragement (Luke 24 13-35), and that sometimes we have to encourage ourselves when no one else is around to do it for us. And I took photos, sister ended up being my main model which is funny because she hates having her picture taken. I did notice that my G10 likes the outdoors way more than indoors, and that I also really love natural lighting with this camera and not flash, no flash lets you get more candid photos.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles: It was a good show that got better down the stretch, but in the end was too expensive without enough viewership I guess I will have to scratch my Terminator itch with the movie this Summer. On a side note can I tell you how much more respect I have for Brian Austin Green as an actor now. Well its gone but Fox better do right by Fringe and Lie to Me, it all I have left with them.

Video Games: So the other day I was at work and made the remark to my coworker Paul that if they released a game to go along with the movie that I would be all over it. Well my Gamespot magazine came out today and their was a preview for it and I'm psyched for it. There was also a preview for a new Punch Out game for the Wii, that brings back a lot of memories. I need to play my Wii more. More golf, and some Super Smash Bros, I definitely will when I have no tv shows to watch this Summer when everything is on hiatus. The cool thing is that you will be able to play old school with just the regular pad, should be tight.

nite world


ps. it strikes me as odd that in 2009 we are still dealing with pirates, and using the term, i mean really, why don't we just call them terrorists and get it over with. its

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