Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why do I blog so late at nite?

If you have an answer to the above rhetorical question let me know. I really need to figure that out. This was going to be a long blog nite but its late and I want to go to bed. So I will be brief but blog again tomorrow.

Top Case: For once I have used an extended warranty. I took my laptop into Apple on Sunday b/c my click button was acting wonky, they had to replace my top case. The price of the repair covered the price of my warranty. It does pay to have Apple Care.

Old Men: So Saturday I was out at the pool hall with Vanessa and we met these crazy old men. Who proceeded to grill me about what sports teams I followed and wouldn't stop until I settled on a team I liked even in sports where I don't follow a particular team. The only team that I could be concrete about are the Philly Eagles, the only sports team I live and die with. The were nice guys though, they bought Vanessa a shot of Jack. You can meet some interesting people in bars.

Learning w/ iLife 09: I have decided to teach myself something new. I'm a mac enthusiast, in case your couldnt tell by the blog title, but there is certain software that Im just not that familar with. Namely iMovie and Garageband. So Im being proactive. Check out my first effort at this is the new video professing the always forthcoming website..... lol. It will be functioning by my birthday I promise. Speaking of that, there is a chance that the blog may move to instead of being located at blogspot, but I haven't quite settled on that one yet.

Val is on gChat: So my sister has finally joined me in the wonderful world of chat. She bought herself a new computer, that was unfortunately not a mac. But she has found her way to using gChat so that we communicate through the internet. Next task is getting the webcam working, followed by convincing her to get on facebook or at least twitter. We will see.

Tomorrow's news, the Yankees tank opening day, Michigan State forgets to show up, a forgotten show called Sports Night and why Jessica Simpson is the only reason to watch The Dukes of Hazzard movie.

nite world


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