Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

weekends dont quite feel like weekends anymore. i think it has alot to do with me working two jobs. the part time is taking 3 days in a row so im trying to make it to Sunday a day of absolute relaxation.

a couple of weeks ago i found out that netflix has renegade on dvd. its a cheesy show but i love it. its the fugitive on a bike with long hair. lorenzo lamas is harrison ford is david janssen, if you don't know who david janssen is and how he relates to the fugitive check out imdb.

i used to read all the time but i havent read a book in a while. i started reading something by chuck klosterman but never finished. a few weeks ago in anticipation of the movie i picked up the watchemen, everyone that i know thats read it loves it, and i cant put it down. its a comic book that is more like a novel with pictures.... lol

im amped that kings dominion opens starting this weekend. i believe that what i need in my life is a roller coaster, that pulls me in mulitple directions at high speeds and then randomly stops. its really cathartic.


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