Friday, March 6, 2009

Oatmeal and Spaghetti

So my day started and ended pretty good, well technically it hasn't ended yet since its 1am in the morning and Im writing my blog, I guess it is what it is.

Oatmeal and Spaghetti, the first and last things I ate today.

Terrell Owens gets cut from the Cowboys. I know I should take pleasure in others misfortunes but I find it hard to muster any sympathy for Owens who seems to cause havoc wherever he goes. My friend Sara and I had a discussion about Owens today, she is a Cowboys fan and believes that Owens is the victim. I'm not sure I agree with that, but I'm biased I'm an Eagles fan. However I think that sometimes Owens may say what is true but says in a manner that is offensive to those around him. Maybe he should learn to keep his mouth shut.

Speaking of keeping things to themselves, Chris Brown should learn to keep his hands to himself. The description of the incident given but the LAPD Detective was disturbing. This wasn't Chris Brown hitting the woman once this was a "What's Love Got to do With It" assault. To top it all off apparently Rihanna went back to Brown perpetuating the cycle. He will probably get off light, and unfortunately this incident will probably happen again.

Michael Steele on the job a month and some republicans already want his head. He needs to stop going on DL Hughley talking about bling and making the RNC off the hook. Know your audience Steele know your audience.

Let the curse of the Yankees begin. ARod needs surgery, out 10 weeks. Its what happens when you body goes into withdrawal from the 'roids. Lets see what other bad karma is in store for the Bronx Bombers.

Everyone should check out twitter, google it if you don't know what is. If your already using twitter check out twitter deck as a desktop client. It runs off of the Adobe Air platform its nice.

Well thats all for me tonite, nite world.

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