Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sports and Retail

I'm beat tonite long night at the fruit stand not enough workers too many customers. I've decided that retail brings out the worst in people; the desire to spend money they don't have to buy things they don't need and somehow they get it in their heads that b/c they are spending money at the store I work at that they are somehow better than me. They aren't maybe they think that because I work retail that I'm some guy making $10 bucks an hour selling stuff that this is my life; it's not, I work there because I enjoy it not b/c I need the money. Everybody wants something and nobody has any patience, and it makes me want to throw something sometimes, at inanimate objects or at the people in front of me, but I resist the urge.

I've been debating my red sox jersey, going back and forth between my favorite players and those players with longevity. Initially I thought about David Ortiz but at the beginning of the year he stunk up the joint with his terrible hitting. I went to John Pappelbon a beast of a closer, and he does the riverdance on the baseball field, but he may leave via free agency. I'm not a big Pedroia or Ellsbury fan and Bay hasn't been there long enough. I would really like a Wakefield jersey but they don't make one so I'm settling on the man behind the plate Jason Varitek a lifer whom I hope retires a Red Sox.

Steve McNair's story should be laid to rest, he's dead b/c his mistress killed him. He left a wife 4 boys and family and friends. He is the perfect example of a flawed story, a warrior on the field, a giver in the community, but lacking at home. None of us know the exact situation at home, maybe his wife knew maybe she didn't. He wasn't perfect but lets not let his flaws overshadow all the good about him.


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