Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Writing from Before

Brad said its been a long time since i blogged and it has, so here are a few lines from before b/c I dont feel like writing something new. I wrote this for a class in college but its one of those things I come back to when I'm looking for an example of something I wrote that I liked. Not b/c I liked the topic but the flow and the connection at the end. I hope you like this one Brad and I hope everyone else does too. Tell me what you think.


Written 11/10/03

Untamed fury caused his hand to graze her face.

It was a scene replayed from his childhood.

She stood where his mother once did,

He where his father still does.

He swore he would never be his father,

That she would never be his mother.

The sins of his father show in his personality.

The effects are apparent in her beauty.

He remembers the sounds;

Screaming, Crying, and the muffled sound of bone against flesh.

He stops and realizes that this is not a flashback, it's the present.

All he wanted was a drink

All she wanted was to love him.

Alcoholism is a disease, it gets in the genes.

Love a universal cure, it gets to the heart.

Love stood between him and double malted bourbon.

Her face between his hand and his father's.

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