Thursday, October 25, 2007

An Exercise in Fiction: Daylight

my senior year of college i took a fiction writing workshop, i figured it would be a good way to work on my writing. random topics for me are always a good way to start. give it a read and let me know what you think. im thinking i might post something from the writing book once a week. hopefully it will encourage me to keep writing.


She awoke to the most beautiful sunrise she had ever seen. It was as if the night had never visited her house. As she stood on the porch steps she thought about how different today and tomorrow would be for her. This was the first time she had really looked at the sunrise. She was normally too busy with chores. She had ironing to do and breakfast to cook. She had decided not to wake the children for school this morning there was really no reason. Instead she took time for herself; she walked out onto the pebbled walkway and walked out into her yard. She walked through the grass, neither worried nor concerned about fresh morning dew that was accumulating on the hem of her skirt as she perused her hands taking notice of the rose bushes along the side of the house. Ouch... she pricked herself, but the pain of nature had never felt so good; she was merely happy for the experience.

It seemed as if the yard went on forever just as life often seems to. As she walked the sky was enduring a metamorphosis from a purple mass into a greenish blue sparkle accented with sunshine. Today it was her life as it would be tomorrow and the next day. She looked forward to it. She went and stood near the old brick wood stove. It hadn’t been lit since the previous season. She thought about tearing it down and extending her flower bed a bit. Maybe she would plant calalilies, something beautiful to replace something ugly. She had always wanted to plant some but had not been able to. Today she could nature was her symbol of independence.


Anonymous said...

This is really cool... am i right to imagine this as the first day this women realized she was free (from slavery?)... just a thought...

JayDimes said...

hadnt thought of it that way. but sure that could be an interpretation of it.