Tuesday, February 26, 2008


sorry im trying to test why the email isnt sending when i post. if you
actually get this please reply and let me know.


A Woman With Pipes

check this out


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every man a king but no one wears a crown

-huey long

Monday, February 25, 2008


test... test... testing server

The Listening Justice

Apparently Clarence Thomas has not spoken in the Supreme Court in over 2 years.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

I am only 26 years old and have not experienced many Presidential campaigns. In those I have experienced I have usually only been interested in the general election and not the primaries because the nominee selection process has never been interesting or intriguing to me and it always seems that there hasn't been any real question as to who the nominee is going to be. I remember the first election I ever saw it was 1988 George H.W Bush defeating Michael Dukakis. I was in elementary school I think the first or second grade, I knew nothing about the issues or the candidates I just knew who won and lost. Fast forward to 1992 I was in the 6th grade my country had just come out of Desert Storm the economy was down and Bush was starting to look like he might not have an easy reelection. Bush lost to a Governor from Arkansas named William J. Clinton whom I knew only because he played the sax on the Arsenio Hall show during his campaign and appeared the Rock the Vote on MTV, but that was cool enough for me I was an 11 year old kid happy someone was speaking to me on forums that I watched. Despite all of the scandals that happened in his Administration he is still my favorite President because he is the first one that made an impression on me. The older I have gotten and the more I have learned about his policy and his administration the more I like him. He is to me what JFK was to my parent’s generation.

President Clinton's Administration bought me something else, Hillary Rodham Clinton(HRC) a First Lady who was more involved publicly in an administration than any prior first lady. She was smart, highly educated, well spoken and a passionate advocate. She wrote books, did speaking engagements, and reached out to the public at grassroots level on matters that were important to the public. She took up the causes of children, families and the lower class and ran with it. Anyone who knocks who resume, abilities, contributions or her qualifications is crazy, I think that in 2000 when the Clinton Administration ended everyone new we could see the Clinton family again occupying the White House, making history as the first woman President. That a large percentage of the population even considered that a possibility in the male driven society that we live in is a testament to what people see in her as a person. The truth is she could have probably made a run at the White House without having ever been a Senator but she built her resume and showed people that she was a politician. Being a Senator is not being the President but it allows people to view her judgement on issues and her rationale for decision making and thats an important part of running for President especially when your are going to have to deal with all the craziness of being a woman running for President.

Now after all of that most people probably think that I'm voting for HRC and I'm not, she had my vote until 2004 and the fact that she lost it isn't even a reflection on her. At the DNC convention at the Fleet Center in Boston, MA in 2004 I watched an unknown state legislator from Illinois named Barack Obama captivate myself and a country for 20 minutes (I still keep that speech on my iPod). He was a fresh face with good ideas and oratory skills that reminded me of a Baptist preacher. In January 2005 he took office in the US Senate and the whispers started about whether or not he would or even should run for President.

A lot of the knocks on Senator Obama are true. His resume does lack depth and he does lack some of the leadership experience of his opponents. He has been a Senator for under 4 years and he had 7 years as a state legislator. But the American public has not always voted for experience. George H.W Bush had more experience and a better resume than Bill Clinton. And John Kerry and Al Gore had better track records in better decision making and were definitely more intelligent than George W Bush and still lost. I'm not saying that voting one way or the other is right, just making the point that it hasn't always mattered to the American public. The truth is not matter what your experience sitting in the chair is a whole separate ball game, and while the President has final say the most important thing you do as President is surround yourself with competent and qualified people that will give you good advice. Its why I hope that if Obama wins he finds a place for Hillary Clinton in administration if not as VP then in the Cabinet, and I think he is smart enough to do that. He is a breath of fresh air in politics at a time when the public seems to be tired of seeing the same old faces and he is very inspirational and although words aren't solutions, it should not be overlooked that the power to inspire, and engage the electorate should not be overlooked. I can't remember at time when people were more passionate, engaged, and responsive to the educational process. This is not all because of Obama but he is a large part of it, and I think that is a quality often lacking from the Executive office. Then there is the elephant in the room, he is Black and I will not pretend that the fact that there is a candidate that looks like me doesn't affect my decision. If I didn't think he was qualified his ethnicity wouldn't matter but I do so it does. If it was Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton running I wouldn't vote for them, but Obama I believe will do the job. I'm not sure I ever really believed that an African American would be President and I was pretty sure that we would see a White woman first and we still may but I'm going with Obama because I believe that he will be best for the country.

In a perfect situation you don't get two candidates of this magnitude in the same election. These are two very strong personalities who in some ways are very similar and in others very different. They are both very polarizing to their respective supporters and while not having a candidate in place prior to the convention could be distracting I don't believe that it will kill the party. We are in the unique position of having two very good candidates vying for the nomination. For me personally I can be happy either way my candidates are rock stars both capable of unbelievable popularity, potential and success. It is now up to the American people to have their say on which one gets the nod.


...next Hollywood's possible influence on the nomination.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Nothing Better to Do

So apparently our wonderful legislators have nothing better to do than talk steroids. Wednesday we had Roger Clemens and his trainer in front of Congress to talk about than steroid use its a game of he said she said. Everyone has found a story and they are sticking to it, so with no proof, evidence and no evidence that Clemens is planning to change his story we have a complete waste of time. There is a war in Iraq, Afghanistan an election falling mortgage rates, and gas prices that should be illegal and yet the best that Congress can come up with is hearings on steroids. I think what makes me the most upset is that I truly don't understand why they care or why they think its an issue for Congress to handle. Those on the opposite side of my view will likely use the following views to justify Congress' actions; the integrity of the game and the impact of steroids on youth, notice neither of these mentions the law. Anybody that thinks that baseball has any integrity in its current incarnation is crazy. In 1994 baseball went on strike for a year and when they came back the fans didn't come with them. Then in 1998 Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa went on a tear. They were both chasing Roger Maris' single season home run record and the fans came back for the excitement. If you remember that year remember what McGuire and Sosa looked like and go look at what they looked like prior, these guys were huge I mean if you couldn't tell they were on something... but baseball and baseball fans looked the other way, no tests no rules didn't matter. Steroid pumped hitters were putting butts in the seats and if thats what it took then thats what it took, and now here we are in 2008 and everyone wants to act indignant like they didn't know what was going on. I say whatever... baseball is about entertainment and if a grown man wants to put a needle in his butt that will make his testicles shrink, give back acne, and all sorts of other unpleasantries then so be it. It's not right, but I watch baseball to be entertained and if that's what they want to do I don't believe it warrants congressional hearings. And by the way can someone tell me how Barry Bonds has never ended up before Congress. As for the children this goes back to athlete's being role models... guess what they are not. They hit balls, make baskets and score points, none of those thing warrant admiration. I think blaming athletes for steroid use is a cop out. Have you ever seen an athlete say "be like me do steroids and make the majors"? No, pro athletes don't give kids steroids, coaches do. They entice them by saying steroids will make you make you like insert athlete name here. I say forget the athletes I blame the parents. People always blame the environmental flaws of society for the degradation of the American family, but I think parents let the family down by letting TV raise their children making famous people default role models. Some how in the race to fix society Congress found their way to baseball... like they have nothing better to do.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

On the way to the Hoover Dam

Vegas: Pussycat Dolls


So while standing in line at what apparently the most popular club in
vegas, and can I tell you that I really hate lines, I became ambitious
and decided to write my personal statement for law school on my
iPhone. I know I'm very weird. Excerpts forthcoming.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday Bet

3:55pm PST
So I am at the resort (The Grandview) watching the SB with friends. Im loving Vegas, I placed my first bet today, I put $60 on the Giants with the points. Hopefully I will win some money Im so sick of seeing the Patriots win games year after year, however if they win I want them to win by less than 12 points so that they don't cover the spread.

4:10pm PST
Great catch by Amani Toomer way to drag your feet on the way out of bounds. But the G-Men need to stop accumulating penalties.

4:13pm PST
Steve Smith (USC alum) needs to catch the ball so that Eli doesn't throw interceptions.

4:17pm PST 
Great stop by the Giants D. Way to bail out the offense.

4:54pm PST
Halftime. The Giants are playing it tight, their Defense is holding tight and getting alot of pressure on Brady my money looks pretty safe right now.

5:31pm PST
You should not be able to use a tv timeout to decide if you want to challenge a play

5:41pm PST
How hard is it to tackle Kevin Faulk... geez

6:02pm PST
what you play..."I play the oboe", Chester Pitts. Too funny.

6:12pm PST
TD...Early 4th the PATS are down for the first time in a long time.

6:32pm PST
Can I tell you how much I dislike Wes Welker

6:42pm PST
Randy Moss.... wide open what do you expect

6:52pm PST
David Tyree is amazing! I dont know how he held on to that ball.

7:10pm PST
AND THE GIANTS WON!!!!!!!!!!! 

Saturday, February 2, 2008