Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Inappropriate Dinner Conversation

so lets give new meaning to talks about the birds and bees. yesterday over lunch with friends i had a conversation about compromise in marriage. my friend had previously (in high school) had a conversation with her mother about future relationships and compromise. let me preface this story by saying that i am familiar with the mother in question and her husband and while you will only hear a story i was trying to fight a visual picture. so apparently in explaining conversation my friends mother told her that (i'm cleaning this up to keep this PG) there were certain things that they couldnt do romantically because her father was above average. well.... we had a pause at our table because this was not the normal meal conversation. and i then remembered my own mother having said once that all thing are not appropriate for the dinner table, how right she was. i understand having open conversation with your kids but somethings are better left unsaid. lol.

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