Friday, September 14, 2007

stream of conciousness

i just want to write a steady stream
write lines and thoughts of rhythm
paragraphs of protagonists and antagonists
expansive spaces of words that make a difference,
that recall a story

i want to tell my life or someone else's.
a long life and a short life
strung together by my words
giving meaning and a new perspective

i want to expand a moment
speak a thought about a particular moment in time
a period, nonexistent to another
of some great importance yet revealed

I want to write in spatial places
far flung countries
brand new languages
unknown tongues

i want to write with excitement
words that could be said with passion
unforgettable words, songs of freedom
important life changing sentences
in every-man phrases,

i wanna write for the instruments of Johnson
powerful words to save souls
for preachers and politicos
for saturday nights and sunday mornings
words for saints and sinners all

i don’t want to see the words coming
i want to be surprised
like meeting a stranger
having conversation
feeling like you should've known them all your life

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