Sunday, September 16, 2007


So tell me how Bill Bellicheck gets caught stealing signals from the opposing team and only gets fined $500K thats totally disproportionate to the fine given to Wade Wilson the QB coach for the Dallas Cowboys who took HGH (with a legal prescription) to help keep his diabetes in check. Bill should have gotten 5 games plus a fine. A coach stealing signs is tantamount to a player taking steroids. Its all about competitive advantage. Oh and by the way USC with their win over Nebraska proved their college football supremecy. I dont care what the coah of LSU says the road to the National Championship leads through Southern California.

Friday, September 14, 2007

stream of conciousness

i just want to write a steady stream
write lines and thoughts of rhythm
paragraphs of protagonists and antagonists
expansive spaces of words that make a difference,
that recall a story

i want to tell my life or someone else's.
a long life and a short life
strung together by my words
giving meaning and a new perspective

i want to expand a moment
speak a thought about a particular moment in time
a period, nonexistent to another
of some great importance yet revealed

I want to write in spatial places
far flung countries
brand new languages
unknown tongues

i want to write with excitement
words that could be said with passion
unforgettable words, songs of freedom
important life changing sentences
in every-man phrases,

i wanna write for the instruments of Johnson
powerful words to save souls
for preachers and politicos
for saturday nights and sunday mornings
words for saints and sinners all

i don’t want to see the words coming
i want to be surprised
like meeting a stranger
having conversation
feeling like you should've known them all your life


I am sitting here blogging as my students work busily on an assignment that I have given them. Over the last eight months of teaching a New Investigator's Course once a month I have realized that adult education is considerably different than dealing with children but in many ways is very much the same. However my big decision for the day is wether or not I want to give Sprint $400 so that I can be done with their crappy customer service and move on to the wonderful world of the iphone. However I think that their crappy customer service was very much exasperated by my overpowering desire to buy an iphone.