Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quote of the Day

Pain is the payment for each precious thing.

-sheldon hawkes

If you want it, work hard for it

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last Night's Dinner @ Honey Pig

A Day of Learning

sometimes i am genuinely surprised at things i learn at work. I don't usually learn them because I'm looking for the information its more b/c people ask questions and I decide to seek out responses. A couple things i learned on saturday;

when setting up a Verizon email account on an iphone the outgoing port number has to be 587 and no the default of 25 (learned attempting to help a customer)

you can make a directory in apple address book by going into the print settings and selecting lists. then click the boxes next to the data you want you printed (learned attempting to help a customer, as told to by Suess)

while google contacts and address book can sync and communicate all fields are not able to be synched

coda may be the next great web development tool, its made by panic software, VMWare 3.0 due out in November is smoking fast (customer, vmware employee)

yes... yes i learned a lot, most of it very dorky

nite world


Saturday, October 10, 2009