Monday, September 29, 2008

This Week's Sign the Apocalypse is Upon Us: The Numbers Don't Lie

A couple weeks ago my buddy Evan said Tim you should blog something,
"you haven't written anything in a while" so I sat down while in
wonderful Boyers, PA and tried to come up with something. Well
Congress gave me something. The failure of Roll Call 674, better known
as "The Plan to Save the Economy". It amazes me that they voted on a
plan that they didn't have the votes for. Im amazed still that the
Republican party broke with the Bush Administration and voted against
it. But what I guess what I'm even more surprised at is the fact that
so many Democrats found themselves siding with the Administration.
what I really love is the finger pointing and yes I'm biased but the
numbers don't lie and it didn't fail on the backs of Democrats 60% of
those represented voted in favor of it as opposed to the 32.8% that
voted for it form the other side of the aisle. Check out the numbers,
In an election year I thought politicians can be this stubborn, this
isn't a time for partisan politics its a time for urgency. At any rate
the failure to pass led to a 700 point drop in the Dow Jones and smart
people like Warren Buffett are saying the the Government needs to get
there stuff together. I think I'm moving my money and reducing my
401K contributions. It has to bounce back.


Democrats: 140 (59.6%)
Rep: 65 (32.8%)
Totals: 205 (47.3%)


Democrats: 95 (40.4%)
Rep: 133 (67.2%)
Totals: 228 (52.7)


Democrats: 235
Rep: 198

Not Voting

Weller -R

Stats from

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Feelings for the Evening.....

The Eagles lost, I'm down in fantasy football, and unfortunately I'm
still in PA till Tuesday. I'm in need of a vacation, 5 mile run, 10
hours of sleep, and Wonderwall being played on the speakers. GNite