Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jingle Bells

Great Day its Christmas. Peace and Goodwill to all men. So Im typing this on my Christmas Gift a new Macbook Pro. I started my day with a great Belgium waffle and some eggs. Then my sister and I went to my parents house to exchange gifts. So then we decided that while awaiting dinner we should watch some movies. The picks were Rush Hour 4, 1408, Illegal Tender, and Trust the Man. Just watched Rush Hour 4 and it was bust, worst of the franchise. I guess now its time to wait for dinner. Hope you and yours has a great Christmas, and that you spend it with the ones you love.


Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday Night Football

Fire Brian Billick.......

The coaching staff for the Baltimore Ravens should be emabarrassed. Their defense held the New England Patriots to 27 points. The offense held up and scored 24 points (great by ravens standards) and somehow the Ravens Staff (Rex Ryan) managed to pull the bonehead move of the night and call a timeout on 4th and 1 and cost his team a stop. Maybe he felt uneasy or something didnt look right to him, but I say this of all the defenses in the league to just let it go with its the Ravens. Those guys played their hearts out and the staff let them down. Props to Kyle Boller for playing up to his potential, and to Ray Lewis' 8 tackles for proving he wasn't too old. In the words of Denny Green after his team's Monday Night Meltdown "We had them where we wanted" and "They are who we thought they were", isn't that the truth.

R.I.P Sean Taylor

Sunday, December 2, 2007

So last september I went the MET. I had never been to NYC and thought I would take in some culture. I love taking pics so I figured what place would be better than to do the museum tour in NYC. I went to the MET, MOMA, and the Museum of Natural History. The MOMA was favorite that I saw but I really wanted to check out the Guggenheim which was designed by Frank Loyd Wright my favorite architect this is the Wright room at the MET. The picture is a little dark because the room was dark and and flash photography isn't allowed, but I still like this picture.
